La Famiglia Pallottina è in festa - Ingresso al Noviziato e al Postulantato

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Noi suore della Provincia della Sacra Famiglia –India,  ringraziamo Dio onnipotente per il dono della vita e della vocazione delle nostre 3 pre-postulanti: Amritha, KrupaJyothi e Rashmi Crystal e una postulante: Rose Lima che si è fatta coraggiosamente avanti per entrare la fase di iniziativa della loro formazione.

Con gioia e gratitudine nei nostri cuori, abbiamo iniziato la cerimonia di ingresso al Postulato e Noviziato il 7 dicembre alle 6.00 presso il nostro Provincialato in  Eda-Cochi, Cochin, con il servizio di preghiera creativo e significativo condotto dalle nostre giovani suore.

Tutta la comunità si è riunita in Cappella per ringraziare Dio del dono di queste nostre sorelline e per invocare su di loro la benedizione divina. Erano presenti Sr. Lucy Thomas, la Superiora Provinciale e le consigliere. La preghiera è iniziata con un'introduzione sull'importanza e il significato del noviziato e del postulantato all'ingresso della nostra casa e si è proseguiti verso la cappella, presentando le lampade accese alle postulanti e prepostulanti. Quindi la preghiera è proseguita nella cappella. Durante la preghiera sono stati offerti diversi simboli e su di essi abbiamo invocato lo Spirito Santo. Abbiamo concluso il nostro servizio di preghiera alle 7 del mattino.

Dopo la preghiera abbiamo continuato a pregare per loro attraverso la devota celebrazione eucaristica. Durante la messa si è svolta la cerimonia di ingresso al postulato e al noviziato. Al termine della Messa Sr. Lucy ha affidato le postulanti a Sr. Judy Cheruvalli, maestra della postulante e la novizia a Sr. Susan, maestra delle novizie. È stata davvero una giornata felice per noi, così come per le nuove novizie e per le postulanti.

Dopo la messa abbiamo scattato con loro alcune fotografie e poi li abbiamo salutati in refettorio con un canto augurale, biglietti di auguri e un mazzo di fiori.

Sr Celine C., CSAC

Ingresso in Noviziato e Postulato -7 dic. 2022


Entry to the Novitiate and Postulancy -7th Dec. 2022


We the sisters of Holy Family Province - India thank the almighty God for the gift of thelife and vocation of our 3 Pre-postulants: Amritha, Krupa Jyothi, and Rashmi Crystal and onePostulant: Rose Lima who courageouslycame forward to enter in to the initiative stage of their formation.

With Joy and gratitude in our hearts, we began the ceremony of the entry tothe Postulancy and Novitiate on 7th December at 6.00 am at our Provincialate Eda-Cochi, Cochin, with the creative and meaningful Prayer Service conducted by our junior sisters. The whole community was gathered inthe Chapel to thank God for the gift of these our little sisters and to invoke God’s blessings on them.

Sr. Lucy Thomas the Provincial Superior and the councilors were present.The Prayer service began with an introduction on the importance and significance of the novitiate and the postulency at the entrance of our house and we proceeded to the chapel, presenting the lighted lamps to postulants and pre-postulants. Then the prayer service continued in the chapel. During the prayer different symbols were offered and we invoked the Holy Spirit upon them. We concluded our prayer service at 7 am.

After the prayer we continued to pray for them through the devout Eucharistic celebration. The ceremony of entry to postulancy and novitiate took place during the mass. At the end of the Mass Sr. Lucy entrusted the postulants to Sr. Judy Cheruvalli, the postulant’s mistress and the novice to Sr. Susan the novice mistress.It was really a blissful day to us as well as to the new Novice and the Postulants.

After the mass we took some photographs with them and then we greeted them in the refectory with a with a wishing Song, greeting cards and a bouquet of flowers.

Celebration of First Profession 8th Dec. 2022


We the sisters of Holy Family Province –India, raise our heart in gratitude to God for his immense love and blessings upon our congregation and to our province. The solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is an auspicious day to our province.Because urged by the love of Christ, Our dear novice Amina consecrated herself to God and to the Congregation by making her first profession.

The day began with the animation of Morning Prayer by our sisters. At 10.30 am solemn Eucharistic celebration was commenced by Rev. Fr. Rafi our parish priest. Rev. Fr. Mathew Tonickal SAC gave an inspiring homily. During the Mass 5 of our junior sisters renewed their vows.  There were priests and sisters from neibhouring religious communities and some of our sisters from different communities were present.

Melodious singing and elegant decorations added more beauty and color for today’s solemn celebration. After the communion, the newly professed sister expressed her gratitude to the congregation, to their parents and to all those who had gathered. After the final blessing all the priests, sisters along with the newly professed sisters took some photographs.

After the Mass we organized a short felicitation ceremony for Sr. Amina the newly professed sister and for our junior sisters. All of us gathered in the hall and greeted them with bouquet of flowers and wishing song, and then the sisters shared their joy by cutting the cake. After this we had sumptuous meal. All those who were present were happy. It was indeed a blissful and a joyful day.


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