Casa Provinciale di Edacochin Domenica 29 Dicembre

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Nella Casa Provinciale di Edacochin, domenica 29 dicembre, c'è stato il Passaggio della fiaccola per la guida della Provincia Holy Family. Suor Ligi Thottakath  dona la lampada di trasmissione a Suor Lucy  Thomas. 

Al nuovo Consiglio gli auguri e la preghiera di tutta la Congregazione. 

The Installation of the Second Regime of the Holy Family Province India

The Second Regime of the Holy Family Province was installed on the feast of Holy Family on 29th December 2019.The Eucharistic celebration was  solemnized by Rev.Fr.Sunny Attaparambil ,the parish priest of Edakochi  at 5.30pm

In the homily Rev.Fr.Tomy Philip SAC emphasized on the explicit qualities of St.Joseph the foster father of the Holy Family.

He drew our attention to the 33 Fundamental Rules of our Father Founder St.Vincent Pallotti and underlined the gospel values to be motivated in the reciprocal relationship between authorities and other members as well.

Rev.Fr.Sibi Cherutheeyil the Director of Cochin Pastoral Centre and Rev.Fr.Shelmon Antony of the Bhopal Diocese concelebrated the Holy Mass.

The Rite of the Mandate of the Authority was presided over by the General Consultant Rev.Sr.Ligi Thottakath.

After the Holy Mass the new Provincial and Councilors were felicitated and greeted with the assurance of God’s abundant blessings.


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