Inaugurazione Comunità Suore Pallottine Kamptee Nagpur

Il 19 marzo 2017 inaugurazione della Comunità delle Suore Pallottine a Kamptee, Nagpur.
Sosteniamo ed incoraggiamo le nostre consorelle ad essere vere educatrici secondo il cuore di Dio.


March 19th 2017, St. Vincent Pallotti Convent (CSAC) at Pallotti Colony, Kamptee, Nagpur( Maharashtra) in India gave glory to God very solemnly in the presence of His Eminence Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Viruthakulangara the Arch Bishop of Nagpur for establishing a dwelling place for our Sisters.

It was a day memorial for our pallottine Family in India to recall to our mind the innumerable blessings Our Lord has bestowed upon us all.

On this auspicious day all entities of the Union of the Catholic Apostolate with their joyful presence gave colour to the celebrations. The presence of our five Pallottine Provincial Superiors: Very Rev.Fr. Varghese Pullan, Very Rev. Fr. Camillo and Very Rev.Father Shanti Prakash. Very Rev. Sr. Ligi Thottakath and Very Rev Sr. Helen by their presence edified us. Very Rev. Sr. Ligi Thottakath Our provincial Superior lit candour with her welcoming address and the act of inaugurating the Community began with the invocation to the Holy Spirit.

The Key of the new convent building was handed over to the Superior of the community by His Eminence Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Viruthakulangara and he blessed the entire Edifice. Then we began the Holy Mass presided by His Eminence Rt. Rev. Arch Bishop Dr. Abraham Viruthakulangara.

The presence of Many Fathers, Sisters and lay people brought joy to us and it was a pleasant moment for us all to see the collaboration of youth and UAC family.

We are grateful to all Our Superiors and sisters who underwent great struggles to overcome the initial challenges in this mission. We Thank His Eminence Rt. Rev. Dr. Abraham Viruthakulangara the Arch Bishop of Nagpur for his constant support and blessings.

We acknowledge the prayers, hard work and commitment of the Provincial and Consulters which brought us this day of grace. We appreciate every Sister who worked hard and who supported us through their prayers. We are also grateful to Our Mother General and Consulters for their prayer and support.

Once again thanking God for all His blessings and praying May this house be a house of God’s love and peace.


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